I revisited Constants that Resolve to Unity recently and I updated the table there, replicated below.
For the most part these were minor changes, correcting the
symbols for current and temperature, fixing the column width, making the
subscript notation consistent and so on.
But there was a more significant change, which was a mention of the ratio between the square of elementary
charge e and Planck charge that is expressed by fine structure constant α.
I had been thinking about doing something similar with
another value, the gravitational coupling constant αG, but this is a bit of an odd constant as it’s
often poorly defined. I kept niggling at it, trying to get a good explanation of what all these coupling
constants are, including the fine structure constant. I noticed that
there is a mathematical similarly between α and αG,
beyond them both using alpha as their notation. Namely, that α=e2/qPl2
and αG=m2/mPl2 (where m is
the mass of whatever you are using as the basis of the gravitational coupling
constant, which you can clarify by using a subscript to both the m term
and after the G in the αG term, but they often don’t).
The clearest explanation for these coupling constants that I found was here, but there is an error in it and it is not completely clear, so I will have a hack at it in a way that totally avoids the introduction of that error.
Thanks to Professor Watkins, who has since
I will start with gravitational coupling since this is the most intuitive and then go back to
charge coupling.
We know that a body with mass m1 that is a distance r
away from a second body with mass m2 will experience a force
of gravity FG given by:
We could think of m1 and m2
being accumulations of unspecified numbers n1 and n2
of neutrons that each have mass mn such that m1=n1mn
and m2=n2mn. This means that the force FG
varies by the number of neutrons involved and the distance and is mediated by a
constant value (dubbed a “force constant” by Watkins, with the choice to use φ to denote it being mine). So:
Watkins then introduces the term ħc and shows, numerically, that:
where αG is specifically the gravitational
coupling constant for a neutron, so to be more accurate, after rearranging:
Note that the value of Planck mass is mPl=√(ħc/G). Therefore, G/ħc=1/mPl2 and
Watkins does not explain the introduction of the term ħc, so I suggest a slightly
different approach.
The term φG,
or rather φGn,
can be broken down further into two terms, one that carries the units and one
that is dimensionless, noting that the dimensionless term mPl2/mPl2=1:
The ratio of the two masses is, of course, dimensionless and
can therefore be assigned as αGn. We know that mPl=√(ħc/G) so the second term becomes:
GmPl2=G.(√(ħc/G))2= G.ħc/G=ħc
So we arrive at φGn
expressed as two terms (the second being the ħc that Watkins introduces without explanation):
or, rearranged:
αGn=φGn/ħc [=mn2.(G/ħc)]
Note that the derivation above was done in terms of a
neutron mass mn but there was no stage at which the value of mn
needed to be specified. Therefore, the
exact same logic applies irrespective of what mass we use, so we could say:
where x can refer to any mass; that of a neutron,
electron, proton, Planck mass and any other random mass you want. Filling
in the first four, we arrive at:
The error that Watkins introduced was with the value of αGn. For some reason, Watkins arrives at 3.76915×10-39
as the ratio between 1.871855×10-64 and 3.1616×10-26,
which is clearly wrong (1.871855/3.1616=0.5920594, with the small variation in magnitude
being due to a difference in our values for G). This error was irrelevant to the logic of the
The same sort of process as above can be used to derive an
electromagnetic coupling constant via the formula:
Using the same logic, thinking of q1 and q2
as unspecified numbers n1 and n2 of units
of elementary charge e, we see that q1=n1e
and q2=n2e.
There is another force constant φE implied here (E for electromagnetic):
Watkins just introduces ħc, so that we get:
And, because qPl=√(ħc.4πε0):
The electromagnetic coupling constant associated with the
elementary charge isn’t normally called that, but is rather referred to as the
fine structure constant, and the subscript E is not used. So:
As with the gravitational case, the φE term can be broken
down, this time using qPl2/qPl2=1:
The ratio of the two charges is dimensionless and can be
assigned as α. Noting that qPl=√(ħc.4πε0),
the second term becomes:
φE= α.ħc
Or, rearranged:
Note also that ke=1/4πε0, so:
Similarly with the gravitational coupling constant derived
above, a particular charge was selected with the electromagnetic coupling
constant (or fine structure constant) relating specifically to the elementary
charge. Other charges are available,
such as the charge on up and down quarks, +2e/3 and -e/3
respectively, or the Planck charge.
Therefore, as per the logic above, we could say that:
where x can refer to any charge. This gives us, for the options above:
Note that I have included two terms αGPl and
αEPl. These could be
referred to as the “natural coupling constants” (gravitational and electromagnetic
respectively). For the purposes of
adding to the suite of constants that resolve to unity, this means I now have
two more. Doing so demotes the fine
structure constant to what it actually is, just the square of the ratio between
the charge selected to represent (so, the elementary charge) and the natural
unit (the Planck charge). The same
applies to whatever variant of the gravitational coupling constant you would
like to talk about. The natural value is
unity, and any other value is merely the square of the ratio of the mass
selected and the Planck mass.
Of course, it would no longer be possible, if anyone
actually does this, to say that the fine structure constant tells the universe
what the relationship between the elementary charge and the Planck charge is. Because it doesn’t, the fine structure constant
is merely something that falls out of the fact that the elementary charge has a
specific value.
I remain totally unconvinced that the fine structure constant tells us anything more than the ratio between the elementary charge and the Planck charge. The physical interpretations given at Wikipedia all seem to fall out of this ratio.
The same logic applies to the various options for the
gravitational coupling constant.
To ram the point home further, we could establish the gravitational
coupling constant in terms of standard duck masses (mduck),
because the equation is, very simply:
And the same if we use the standard charge on a post-launch
duck (qduck), in which case the duck centred fine structure
constant becomes:
By careful selection of the values of mduck
or qduck, a sufficiently motivated researcher could come up
with startling numbers the coupling constants – much more exciting one than ~1/137. Want it to equal pi to ten significant
figures, just make qduck=3.3233509704×10-18C.
The immediate response is (or should be) that this duck
centred fine structure constant (αduck=π) doesn’t mean anything. It certainly wouldn’t tell us why the standard
charge on a post-launch duck (qduck) had that value, if it
did. The value of the αduck
would simply be a different way of saying that qduck has the
value that it has (qduck= qPl.√αduck) – a simple
Similarly, none of the variants of the gravitational
coupling constant nor the fine structure constant are really telling us
anything useful in themselves.
There are (at least) two other coupling constants
(associated with weak and strong interaction), but I don’t really want to get
into them. I don’t think they would
relate to Planck units, having done a quick check. Perhaps someone else with a better knowledge
of such things could have a good think about it and let me know.
It is possible that they tell us something, but it is equally
possible that these coupling constants are similar to the gravitational and
electromagnetic coupling constants in at least that sense and tell us nothing new
at all. My brief and patently inadequate
check indicated that while the wording “coupling constant” is used for all four,
and the meaning is comparable between the weak and strong interactions,
they are not actually the same sort of thing
as we talking about with respect to electromagnetic and gravitational force
That said, it is interesting to note that the strong force is usually thought of having a relative strength of 1. Maybe you might thing, ah, but that's different. Note however, that while the relative strength is listed at the link above as being in the order of 10-3, it's more often listed as being in the order of 10-2 and frequently more specifically as 1/137 (or more precisely, α). Sadly, however, if you dig a bit deeper, you will find that the strong force is only approximated as 1, and sometimes has a value closer to 14.5 (or the inverse thereof, the explanation I saw was a bit vague on that point), and - in terms of a nucleus - is only the residual force left over from holding the constituent quarks of a proton or neutron together.
Finally, here is the updated table of constants that resolve
to unity (noting that I have removed the charge to structure ratio as
irrelevant, added some more formulas for clarity and also changed to a font
that makes the difference between a large “i” and a small “L” a little more distinct):
And, for ease of reference, a clean version with the greyed-out
items removed:
All unity, as far as the eye can see. Truly beautiful.
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