Thursday 5 January 2023

A Simple Question

 Here’s a simple question, although getting to the question is quite so simple.




There is a radius associated with a non-rotating, spherical black hole, called the Schwarzschild radius, which can be shown to be the radius at which light, travelling in a vacuum, cannot escape.  This is given by rS=2GMS/c2, where G is the gravitational constant, MS is the mass of the (Schwarzschild) black hole and c is the speed of light.  There is, therefore, a radius to mass ratio such that MS = rS.c2/2G. 


Such a black hole, by definition is spherical, and the volume of it can be given by VS = 4/3.πrS3.  This gives us the opportunity to calculate the density of a Schwarzschild black hole – given by


ρS = MS/VS = 3.c2/(8π.G.rS2)


Interestingly, the density of a Schwarzschild black hole, therefore, is inversely proportional to the square of its radius (and also to the square of its mass, because the mass and radius are directly proportional).  The larger and more massive a black hole is, the less dense it is. Note that the gravitational time dilation equation is:



Note that a critical value of r, at which this equation becomes tdilated = 0, is r=2GM/c2.


You could wonder, then, what the density of an enormous black hole would be.  Let’s say one with a radius of 13.77 billion light years (the distance that light could have travelled in the time since the beginning of the universe, assuming flat space and something with uniform rectilinear motion that it was travelling relative to).  13.77 billion light years is equal to 13.03x1026 m.  So, we have:


rS = 1.303x1026 m

c = 299792458 m/s

G = 6.6743x10-11 m3/kg/s2

π = 3.14159 (-ish)


Plugging these in, we get a density of 9.47x10-27 kg/m3 – or 9.47x10-24 g/m3 – or 9.47x10-30 g/cm3.  This is precisely the critical density of the universe (that should be of little surprise, since ρc = 3H2/(8π.G), where H is the Hubble parameter, which happens to be the inverse of the age of the universe, so in our equations above H = 1/(age of the universe) = c/rS).


So: my simple question is this, why is it that the density of our universe is pretty much precisely (within the bounds of experimental uncertainty) the density of a Schwarzschild black hole that is precisely the size that a universe would be after 13.77 billion years, if it expanded at the speed of light?




A slightly more complicated question is as follows.


Noting that, for any volume with a radius rS, the density of that volume is critical when ρS is given by ρS = 3.c2/(8π.G.rS2) – and the “criticality” thus only gets worse when the radius is greater, how can it be that the (observable) universe is 46.508 billion light years in radius and, according to WMAP measurements, 9.9x10-27 kg/m3 in density, when a Schwarzschild black hole of that radius would have a density of 8.3x10-28 kg/m3 (or about 1/12 of what we have)?

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